No doubt by now you've already decided on a lot of the plans for your wedding: venue; party afterwards; photographer;
cars; flowers; dress; and lots more besides. In all the rush and busyness you may have given little thought to the rest of your lives together.
As part of our ministry to you on your wedding day, we also host an afternoon meeting for all the couples getting married in one of our churches. Our aim is to help you plan the wedding service in more detail and look at some of the things and ideas that will help you both as you embark on the lifelong journey of marriage. It is often said 'once the wedding is over the marriage begins'.
Together we help you think as a couple about what married life might be. The afternoon is an interactive time of sharing your hope for your future together, learning some ways of continuing to show love and affection while also dealing with some of the issues that can arise in a marriage. This is all done in a relaxed environment by the people who will be conducting your wedding, but you won't be asked to share anything you don't want to.
Here's what couples have said about the course:
"We wrote everything down in a notepad and have been looking back at it all on a number of occasions.'
"I thought it would of felt too long but actually I could of stayed longer, as we really enjoyed ourselves."
"It was a good day and very relaxed made us feel welcome."
You will receive an invitation to book on the next course when government restriction are lifted.